Hello and Welcome to 6KC!
Miss K Carter - Teacher
Mrs L Carpenter - Teaching Assistant
Mrs C Hemmings - Teaching Assistant
Topics we will be covering this year:
- Term 1 - The Tudors
- Term 2 - World War II
- Term 3 - Early Islamic Civilisation
- Term 4 - The Maya
- Terms 5 & 6 - The Titanic
Your child will be set homework every Friday (a combination of Maths, reading and grammar). The homework is found in their CGP books and is a consolidation of what has been taught during the week. Homework must be handed in the following Tuesday morning. (Children who are absent on a Friday will still be expected to complete the homework but will be given an extension.)
All children have a banded school reading book to take home (as well as a reading for pleasure book). Please try your best to read with your child regularly - even if your child is a fluent reader - and support him/her by asking questions to deepen their understanding of the texts.
There will be weekly spellings for children to learn. The words will be given to children on Mondays and there will be a test on Friday mornings. These words will usually focus on spelling patterns and rules.
Times Tables
Most Fridays, we will test your child's arithmetic knowledge. A large part of arithmetic is dependent on a secure knowledge of times tables and their corresponding facts. Please practise your child's timetables and division facts on a daily basis.
We have PE lessons twice per week (Mondays and Wednesdays). Please ensure your child has their full PE kit in school (white t-shirt, black shorts/joggers/leggings and a black jumper). Long hair must be tied back and all jewellery removed or covered.
If you have any questions or would like to speak to me, please send a message via Class Dojo or contact the school office.
I look forward to working with you to ensure your child fulfils their potential and has a wonderful final year in primary school.
Miss Carter
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