Hello and a warm welcome to RCB!
Miss Coral Bentley - Teacher
Mrs T Lloyd - Teaching Assistant
Mrs Shelley Kenyon - Teaching Assistant
We are delighted to welcome your child to our reception class this year! We have planned a nurturing and fun environment where your child will feel safe, happy and inspired to explore and learn new things! If you ever have any questions or queries then we are always available to talk to on the door or alternatively, please feel free to contact us on Class Dojo. We will respond as soon as possible but at times this will be before or after school. If there is anything that could affect your child's day and you feel we need to be aware, then please let us know! I will post all important dates, updates and photos on Class Dojo and the school website so please remember to check these regularly.
Our Topics this year are:
- Term 1 - It's good to be me!
Book focus - Owl Babies, Little Red Hen and Elmer
- Term 2 - It's time to celebrate!
Book focus - The Gingerbread Man, The Leaf Thief, Stick Man and The Nativity Story.
- Term 3 - We Love To Travel…
Book focus - Lost and Found and The Naughty Bus
- Term 4 - Journeys and Mapping
Book focus - The Gruffalo and Little Red Riding Hood
- Term 5 - Spring to Life!
Books focus - Jack and the Beanstalk and The Extraordinary Gardener
- Term 6 - We're going on an adventure!
Book focus - We're Going on a Lion Hunt and Betsy Buglove Saves the Bees
Morning Routine and Home Time Routine
Children are welcome to come into the classroom as soon as the door is opened by a member of staff at 8:30. We encourage the children to be as independent as possible and once they have completed their morning routine of putting their coats, bottles and book bags away, they can then choose a mindfulness activity. At home time the children will stay sat on the carpet until we see you in the playground. If your child is going to be collected by someone other than yourself, please let us know or give the school office a call.
Home Learning
Please listen to your child read as often as possible! In Term 2, once the children have started blending, we will read with them 2/3 times a week and this is the book they will bring home with them on a Friday. These books all have a star on the top right-hand corner so they can be easily identified and will need to be returned on the Monday. On Monday, the children will then come home with another reading book to read until Friday but this will have no star in the corner. Please remember to record when you listen to your child read in their Reading Record Book. In addition, reading for pleasure books will come home with your child each week and are for you to enjoy reading with your child, this does not need to be recorded in their reading record. These will be changed every Thursday.
Each week in your child's homework book, they will have the sounds we have learnt that week during Phonics. Please encourage your child to practise saying and writing each sound and remember to re-visit previously taught sounds.
Wellington Boots
For wet weather activities, for the use of the mud kitchen and our welly walks, we ask that your child brings in a pair of wellies that are named. These will be kept on the welly rack outside our classroom door.
Coats, snack and water bottles
Please can you ensure that you always bring a coat for your child so that they can choose their learning outside if they wish to. Your child will also need a clearly named plastic water bottle to use throughout the day. The children can refill their bottles from the tap in the classroom if needed. We will also provide your child with a mid-morning snack of fresh fruit or vegetables. If you have signed up to Cool Milk, then your child will also have a carton of milk to drink in the morning.
Term 1 Class Update
Another fantastic week at school this week and it was lovely to have the sun shining again! I saw some lovely block play creations and we are starting to learn our classroom routines - well done RCB! In Maths we have been exploring number collections and have represented dice patterns and in Literacy we have been learning to write the letters in our names!
This week in Literacy we will be exploring our first book 'Owl Babies' where we will be focussing on re-telling the story and making story maps and in Maths we will be exploring Numicon to five and looking at what is more and fewer!
This week is also the week we celebrate 'European day of languages' so on Thursday please where the colours for the 'Portugal' flag!
Please remember to send your child with their book bag daily and to label all items - thank you :)
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