6SBA weekly diary, Term 2 Week 7
Merry Christmas from all in 6SBA! We had a brilliant time at the Y6 Christmas Party with music,…
Term 2 Week 4 2JS
In PSHE, we have been learning about bullying. Why people bully and what to do if we see it.
Term 2 Week 6 2JS
In computing, we have been learning how to take a good photo.
We chose landscape or portrait and…
3JF Term 2 Week 6
In Computing, the children have been learning about animations. They used the i-pads to create…
3JF Term 2 Week 5
The children visited 'We the Curious'. They enjoyed exploring the museum and expanding their…
3JF Term 2 Week 4
In Science, the children having been exploring light. The children carried out an experiment by…
3JF Term 2 Week 3
The children came into school dressed as Victorian children. They experienced a variety of…
3JF Term 2 Week 2
The children learnt about Remembrance day. They enjoyed making firework bookmarks using chalk.
12PS Yoga
In 12PS we have been taking part in some fun Yoga sessions. We have really developed our strength…
Weekly Diary for 6SBA, Term 2, Week 6
Happy Christmas Jumper Day 2024!
12PS Term 2 Week 6
We have been busy this week making our Christmas cards!