Year Five - 5SW

Year Five - 5SW
Miss Shannon Wootten
Mrs A Khyzhniak - Teaching Assistant

May I now take this opportunity to say hello and give you some useful information.

I have lots of fun things planned for the coming year. Many of our topics are based around a picture book.

Our topics will be:

  • Term 1 -Giganotosaurus - Jonny Duddle
  • Term 2 -Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole
  • Term 3 -Meerkat mail by Emily Gravett
  • Term 4 -Little Red by Lynn Roberts
  • Term 5 -Bob, Man on the Moon by Simon Bartram
  • Term 6 - The Lighthouse Keeper stories by David and Ronda Armitage

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Updated: 18/04/2024 1.19 MB

Please ensure that your children comes to school in their PE kits on their allocated P.E day. PE kits should include: black shorts, PE shirt, daps OR trainers and jogging bottoms in colder weather.

We use a creative approach to home learning to give the children an opportunity to choose what interests them. We hope that it will also provide some activities that pupils and parents may enjoy working on together. In addition to the essential daily reading, spelling and times tables practice, we will provide you with different tasks to complete across the term. These are varied and cover a range of subjects and we encourage your child to complete 2/3 of these tasks. You may produce your home learning in any way you wish and spend as much time on it as you wish.

We love reading in Year 2 and we spend time sharing a range of books to the class. We cannot stress how important reading with your child is. Please ensure your child reads to you regularly in the week and that you read to them as well. Books need to brought back to school each Friday so they can quarantine over the weekend. New books will then be sent home on Monday.

Due to current restrictions the water fountains are closed so your child needs to bring in a drink each day. Your child also needs a jumper and coat everyday.

I am always happy to chat at the door at drop off or pick up time. There is also the option of messaging me on class dojo. Please report all absences to the office as well.

Once again welcome to everyone and if you have any queries feel free to ask.

Mr Shurmer