4JM Term 1 Week 6
This week we began exploring the 9 times table. Children used repeated addition to build their 9s.…
6KC Term 1 Week 6
In Science, we have been investigating which conditions are best for the growth of microorganisms…
1BP class update
In our writing we are focusing on capital letters. We are learning to recognise, form and begin to…
4GS Term 1 Week 6
Children in 4GS have been using clay to make their own Emperor penguins. They used the skills of…
Nursery Update - Term 1 Week 5
This week, we watched Colourblock Yellow and made banana milkshakes! We chopped up the banana and…
RCB Term 1 Week 5
We had such a wonderful time on our 'Mucky Monday' welly afternoon! The children loved looking for…
3JF Term 1 Week 5
In Science, the children tested the permeability of different rocks.
12PS Term 1 Week 5
We were so lucky to have a visit from Jonathan's jungle roadshow today. We got to meet a snake, a…
6SBA Term 1 Week 5
We had a wonderful time on Tuesday in Stratford - Upon-Avon and Tudor World. The children had…
6KC Trip to Tudor World
Year 6 visited Tudor World as part of our topic. We had a fantastic time and learnt lots about…
5JR Term 1, Week 5
This week we have completed one of our out of classroom displays! We have based it around our book…
6KC Term 1 Week 5
We loved orienteering in PE this week! Children had to use a map to find the correct cones and…