This week in RSSM we have been colour mixing to paint pictures of Percy the Park Keeper.
We have been writing a list of the things he does and been working hard at segmenting and blending to write.
We have been learning to subitise ( say without counting ) dice patterns playing a game called 'Grab and Go' and matching ten frames to the numeral.
We have loved outdoor learning although it has been a wet week and playing with the large Numicon.
In class we have been looking at birthday cards 1-5, pretending to cut a birthday cake and match the birthday candle to the numeral.
We had our first walk to the local Library and all took out a book to look at in class.
In Phonics we have learnt the sounds- qu, z, zz and ch.
We finished the week today celebrating CIN and got to soak some of our adults with wet sponges. This was great fun !!! We will know next week how much the school raised for CIN.