2JS Term 3 Week 1
We came back to school with a pantomime performance and the children loved it. Oh yes they did!
12PS Updates
As part of our Design Technology lessons we designed and made our own lift the flap pictures! We…
3ED Class page
This term, we've started learning about hockey. We have learnt how to hold a stick, how to dribble…
4GS Term 3 Week 2
As part of the Sound topic in Science, children in 4GS made their own string telephones. They…
R1MS Term 3 Week 1 Part 2
We have had a good week back with lots of fun activities … We started off our new topic by reading…
4GS Term 3 Week 1
Children in 4GS have been busy including fronted adverbials in their writing this week!
5JR Term 3 Week 1
This week we explored our value of the term which is gratitude. We have created a display in our…
R1MS Term 3 Week 1
This week we looked at the artist Jackson Pollock and we tried to recreate his style of painting.…
3ED Term 3 Week 1
This week, we introduced our Science topic of forces. We looked at push and pull. We investigated…
6KC Term 3 Week 1
We started our new Science unit - light - this week. We learnt that we need light to be able to…
6SBA Term 3 Week 1
In 6SBA, we enjoyed our first DT lesson by looking at food seasonality, storage and preparation…
12PS Term 3 Week 1
Happy New Year everyone and welcome back.
Our Topic this term is based on the book 'Poles…